A bit late but with and good excuse theres a new update about our trip. We spend more time at night than during the day. Osaka is a very vibrant city and especially if it comes to drinks, parties and good people it has so much to offer.

As it was saturday we wanted to see the nightlife here and ended up partying until 12am next morning, with clubbing and a karaoke at 8am we had a lot of fun, especially because all of the special people we met. (Un)fortunately there are no pictures of the partying... which means above all that we didn't even thought about doing some because we had so much fun.

Today finally we got see a bit more from Osaka and we went to the Osaka castle, a very beautiful old building where we could go until the top and have a nice view over the city.

Due to the unbearable heat we escaped into the Kaiyƫkan, one of the biggest Aquariums of the world. We end up seeing more animals here then we thought... it was very, very cool to go there.