After so many days with millions of new impressions we decided to ease up and have some relaxing days at the sea.

Shirahama seemed the best place for it, especially because also many locals go to Shirahama for holidays.

We left Osaka in the morning and after three hours and learning how to use a bus in Japan we finally arrived at our guesthouse: The Dormitory Sandanya Guesthouse. This accommodation is a true highlight. The owner takes a lot of care for us, cooks in the morning and evenings himself. The rooms are huge and have a sight to the sea. It's truly perfect.

We took a nice walk to the main beach and had our first bath in Japan. The water was more like a bathtub but cristal clear and we really got a feeling of a beach holiday.

Tomorrow we're visiting some cliffs with hidden caves and a real hot spring later in the afternoon. Now: ビーチ!